With each new year comes a sense of starting over – a reset or refresh, if you will.  The start of a new year is a perfect time to evaluate what was (or wasn’t) working from the last 365 days and find the right tools or solutions to improve. One topic that could use some extra attention this year is critical event management.  From severe weather to workplace violence, a plan of action needs to be in place to reduce the level of negative impact of these circumstances as much as possible. But, how, exactly, can this be accomplished, especially if you’re operating out of a multi-level building (or even multiple facilities)? 

In order to properly tackle the challenges of critical events across an entire organization, you need a safety plan in place that incorporates an effective communication system, one that is capable of sending the appropriate message to each person to keep everyone on the same page and as safe as possible. If disaster were to strike tomorrow, could you confidently say you and your team are prepared to manage it?  Oeler Industries, Inc. can help you answer, “Yes!” 

As you revisit your safety plan (or create it from scratch), we highly recommend adding a Mass Notification Emergency Communication System (MNEC) to your blueprint. Of course, there are a few key things to consider as you explore this technology and develop a strategy for managing critical events: 

Creating your safety plaN

An important question that a company, school district, healthcare facility, or any business owner should ask him/herself is, “What does an ideal safety plan look like?” The answer should be focused around protecting people first, followed by the property and the overall brand. When emergencies occur and there isn’t an effective system to notify individuals, the circumstance can lead to more damage and disaster. Even in non-emergency situations, it’s important to have a way to communicate to the masses. Individuals should be able to trust who they work for, where they send their children to learn, where they go for medical needs, and where they shop. All of these places need to set a high standard of protection for all. This is why adding an MNEC system to your safety plan is vital when establishing a life safety ecosystem. 

Adapting to growth 

 As your business grows, so may your buildings and locations and, thus, the complexity of your life safety systems.  An MNEC system should be engineered to be scalable to all building sizes and multiple sites.  You’ll easily be able to maintain improved security across all locations as your business expands. Everyone can be looped in on the same system, which will reduce miscommunication, as well as provide better protection for employees. 

Facets of an effective system

The characteristics that make up an effective MNEC system include compatibility with other safety features already installed within a facility.  An effective system must also ensure that everyone is informed before, during, and after critical events.  The system’s capabilities need to extend beyond just a simple alert; it needs to quickly and easily communicate to every person, smart device, desktop, etc. throughout the duration of an event.  When it comes to people’s well-being, it is crucial that they receive the message clearly and intelligibly.  The message needs to be understandable and include instructions on how to navigate the situation.  A system should provide all of these capabilities in an easy-to-use, fully serviceable package that helps bring clarity from chaos in case of emergency.

Oeler Industries, Inc. is a key partner for implementing an MNEC into safety plans. Our solutions are secure, impactful and create an effective life safety ecosystem for businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, and corporations. Integrating a mass notification system within an organization is crucial when needing to broadcast messages during emergency and non-emergency events, and we can work with you to make it as easy as possible to implement. 

As you review your safety plan for 2022, make sure to address the ways in which your stakeholders are informed of emergency events.  Including a fully addressable Mass Notification Emergency Communication system in your safety plan is a must.  Schedule a call with us to see how Oeler Industries, Inc. can help you achieve your life safety goals.