Sometimes a point in time sound study is not enough to establish compliance with noise control regulations. Environmental conditions such as wind and cloud cover can alter the propagation of noise.
Sometimes, noise problems are relative to the schedules and timing of noise sources, some of which may be scheduled on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Our environmental noise management solution puts industry in a better position to respond to reports of non compliance.
The system helps ensure you can get the most done within your noise constraints. You know real-time where you stand with noise control compliance and can increase your activity without the worry of unknowingly exceeding compliance.
You can allow your neighbors to view public information about noise limits so you can proactively engage them before complaints arise.
Our solution can get neighbor buy-in by advertising that compliance is being monitored by a third party to eliminate any concerns about wrong doing or cover-up.
We deliver Bruel & Kjaer’s turnkey solution so you don’t have to hire or develop that expertise in-house. You don’t have to worry about monitoring the functionality of the system or backing-up the data. This subscription based solution allows you to outsource your entire compliance monitoring requirements so you can focus on more important things.
Put yourself in a better position to defend your noise compliance in case you are challenged. Data is collected and available for reporting via a web browser interface any time it is needed.
Alerts can be set when thresholds are reached. Local visual and audible indicators can alert those onsite when thresholds are exceeded and SMS text and emails can be send to those offsite.
Oeler Industries has over 20 years of experience working to control noise problems. When we provide a continuous noise monitoring service, our customers benefit from our considerable experience. We understand the sensitive and sometime volatile nature of some industrial sites, and know how to accomplish our tasks in these conditions.
Our system meets Best Available Techniques (BATs) of Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) legislation for industrial and agricultural operations.
Our system is also capable of monitoring vibration, dust and air quality parameters where compliance is needed in those areas as well.
Sound recordings can be stored and notes can be entered when noise levels exceed set parameters. These notes can be included in standard reports generated from the system.